The SAR's footballers on Saturday evening clinched a 2-1 victory over Chinese Taipei in the final Group B match of the East ...
在旺角大球場的東亞足球錦標賽外圍賽B組,港隊2:1擊敗中華台北,晉級下周二在香港大球場舉行的決賽。 啟德青年運動場下午的外圍賽A組,澳門1:2不敵關島,關島將在決賽與港隊對壘。冠軍將躋身明年7月於南韓舉行的正賽,與國家隊、日本隊和南韓隊較量。
Ocean Park chairman Paulo Pong said the debut of pandas An An and Ke Ke have boosted the atmosphere at the park, and he ...
Joel Embiid's tough season took another turn for the worse on Friday as Philadelphia's star center exited early in the 76ers' ...
Authorities in Thailand have arrested two men following a bomb blast at a festival near the border with Myanmar that killed ...
Georgia's ruling party on Saturday installed a far-right loyalist as the country's president in a controversial election ...
A UN envoy on Saturday urged foreign powers to work to avoid a collapse of vital Syrian institutions following the downfall ...