A new Captain America: Brave New World, also known as Captain America 4, video teases the return of The Leader, portrayed by ...
Almost a decade after the release of the "The Witcher III", one of the acclaimed fantasy games of all time, a trailer has ...
CD Projekt Red showed off a first look at The Witcher 4, aka Polaris during The Game Awards 2024, and it's quite the look.
IGN's exclusive interview with CD Projekt Red reveals the developer's plans for The Witcher 4, including a renewed focus on ...
We've always said that this world doesn't need a hero, it needs a professional”, states The Witcher 4’s game director, ...
I’m fairly outspoken about my belief that as far as the Netflix TV show is concerned, Witcher fans have had it rougher than ...
CD Projekt Red has officially revealed The Witcher 4 in a six-minute cinematic trailer that stars Geralt's ward Ciri, who's ...
CD Projekt Red just unveiled their upcoming game, The Witcher 4, to the masses, and now they want to ensure you it won’t fall ...
During the Game Awards 2024, CD Projekt RED made an appearance to show off the next Witcher game. Set some time after the ...
According to the developer, "Ciara Berkeley was cast as Ciri for The Witcher IV Cinematic Reveal Trailer ... It should be ...
CD Projekt Red teased The Witcher 4 at The Game Awards as the evening’s first major world premier. The cinematic of a young woman being sacrificed while being defended by Ciri, a silver-haired female ...
CD Projekt Red doesn't want the mistakes of Cyberpunk 2077's launch to come back to haunt The Witcher 4.