Nearly half of college professors feel uncomfortable talking about the topic of so-called transgender rights on campus as ...
A pastor who spent eight years in prison settled for 4 4 million following a lawsuit he filed against a North Carolina town ...
In about 178 AD, a pagan named Celsus wrote a scathing denouncement of Christianity, calling believers of Jesus Christ “the ...
While Clark s comments may alienate her from the half of the country tired of racial identity politics, they will not win her ...
To many, it was tragic that Daniel Penny had to go through the anguish of the case To Black Lives Matter protesters, Penny ...
Out of those who stormed the U S Capitol on Jan 6, 2021, at least some of those who broke the law were FBI informants, ...
Laziness is an act of rebellion toward the Lord. He created us with a sense of purpose so that we would be productive. When we choose to be slothful, we are guilty of wastefulness because we have each ...
A lawyer who testified before a grand jury said Tuesday that Daniel Bondeson, who slipped arsenic into coffee at a church in Maine, killing one parishioner and sickening 15 others, told him the day ...
Gentry, Arkansas, USA., Jan. 3 - Southern Baptist farmer-evangelist Calvin Fox, who brought the Gospel of Christ and better farming methods to hungry families in the Philippines and India, died of a ...