Joel Embiid's tough season took another turn for the worse on Friday as Philadelphia's star center exited early in the 76ers' ...
Authorities in Thailand have arrested two men following a bomb blast at a festival near the border with Myanmar that killed ...
Georgia's ruling party on Saturday installed a far-right loyalist as the country's president in a controversial election ...
南韓最大在野黨共同民主黨黨鞭朴贊大形容,國會表決通過彈劾總統尹錫悅的動議是歷史勝利,有賴聚集在國會前發出吶喊、守護憲政和民主的民眾。 朴贊大在表決後表示,本月初發生的緊急戒嚴風波未結束,尹錫悅被停職只是第一步,要徹底調查包括尹錫悅在內的所有合謀者,調查事件經過,呼籲憲法法院迅速啟動程序、並嚴格按照憲法審理彈劾議案。 朴贊大強調,在戒嚴風波所有涉事人被處罰前,共同民主黨不會鬆懈,全力查明真相,並在事 ...